Last updated: 10 June 2024

Inspired by Chris Burnell’s /interests directory, this is my collection of personal interests.


House music 🎶 – right at the top of my interests, house music was my first love before I met my wife on mutual (clubbing) ground and raised two kids who also appreciate the uplifting genre

Comedy 🎭 – my TV tastes are getting worse now, really hard to please, but comedy always hits the spot

Sci-fi books 📚 – I like to try many genres but often find the modern sci-fi’s grip me more

Vinyl digging 🔊 – harking back to my teenage/twenties, spending all my “spare” money on records, I now indulge in hours of record and antique shop browsing for that golden nugget


Derby County 🐏 – born and raised on home turf, still follow my beloved Super Rams every season hoping for better

England (men and women) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 – long time sufferer of the men’s team on every competition but now realised how much better the womens game is

Snooker 🔴 – since a child, always enjoyed watching on TV, even in black & white. Therapeutic to watch.

Basketball 🏀 – as a teenager, spent many hours shooting hoops with my sister and best mate, following NBA (Houston was my team)

Rugby 🏉 – such a powerful, disciplined and respectful sport compared to the more popular option, love watching the international competitions

Jogging 🏃 – when my knees allowed, loved jogging around the rural village scenery. Now it’s cross-training in the gym

Swimming 🏊 – get me in the water and I’ll go for lengths, especially when abroad


Dark coffee 🫘 – turn it up to 6, can’t stand popular coffee chains like Starbucks (burnt) and Costa (bland)

Pale ales 🍻 – most Indian Pale Ales hit the spot, hazys can be nice, although often cause me discomfort

Dark chocolate 🍫 – I don’t tend to have a huge sweet tooth but I am impartial to the darker varieties

Cooking savoury dishes 🍽️ – never been bothered about baking but I love to make meals, often inspired by Jamie Oliver


Podcasting 🎙️ – got the bug around 2005 with my house music podcast and still obsess over audio production

Frontend coding 👨‍💻 – this is where I found my forte in tech, making websites

Low code 🤖 – connecting and automating services for habit tracking like IFTTT and Zapier

Design 🎨 – I’ve always tried to be creative with tech, from pixel-f*cking in Windows Paint

Social media & communities 👥 – the power of connecting people through tech, especially on the decentralised social web where we can own our content

Apple 📱 – sold into the ecosystem about 2007 and never looked back


Travelling 🗺️ – France and Greece are my favourites